Frequently Asked Questions

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is a procedure to save teeth from being extracted from their place. This is done by cleaning and disinfecting the root canals and filling with dental materials. 

I’m very nervous and afraid, will it hurt?

All of our treatments are done under local anesthesia, we also handle alternative techniques for the effective control of stress and anxiety in the dental office. Our priority is that your experience during the treatment is as comfortable as possible.

What are the recommendations after a root canal treatment?

After treatment, your body undergoes a natural healing process. It is essential that you follow the medication as indicated in your prescription.

How can I know if my treatment has any complications?

If in spite of following the recommended indications, you present severe pain, visible inflammation inside or outside the mouth, or the return of those if you take original, you must call us to schedule an appointment and review the cause ot these inconveniences.